Mga Post

chapter I-III

Chapter I Introduction Background of the study.                      In this modern world of technology the price of products becomes a challenge to every user particularly the scarcity of resources in order to address the demands of the consumers. Nowadays problems to supply the needs of computer ink will be in demand specially in the modernized and industrialized countries throughout the world. Even the government encourage young scientist to discover things that can be useful and answer to the needs of social changes.                        A shrubby plant , Malabar Nightshade (Basella rubra linn), Alugbati in native terms inhabits a watery surface in wet lands. Nightshade family has about 90 genera and 2600 species. Its genus are such common weeds as horse nettle, a spiny perennial herb of the south central to eastern united states.                     Plant is the nightshade family bear flowers with five sepals, five petals, five stamen, and solitary pistil t